We are serious about being disciples of Jesus Christ.  Our standard calls us to worship, join a Life Group, serve our neighbor and to tithe.  

We call it “Worship +2 and a Tithe.”  We call this ALIGN and it is all about aligning your life with God’s big plan through worship, loving God, loving neighbor and generosity.


1. CONNECT to the church through a Sunday morning worship experience, online experience, special event etc. COMPLETE Starting Point – Our New Member Orientation facilitated by Pastor Darius. 
2. GROW – Grow spiritually by connecting with the community through Life Groups, Life Ministry, Bible Study, Leadership University, GLOW and other programs and offerings.
3. SERVE (used to Show) – Using our spiritual gifts, talents, and passions to serve others.
4. GO – Go out into the community and share Christ through personal relationships, service, etc.

Our Mission – We exist to connect people to the life changing power of Jesus Christ.

How do we execute on our mission?

Loving People
Sharing the Gospel
Equipping Believers
The three words we use to capture this are : LOVE – SHARE – EQUIP